shottracker is
the game.

But how does it work?

shottracker is made
up of 3 components

ShotTracker-enabled ball
Player sensors
Anchors in the rafters

Circle Circle Circle Circle

shottracker enabled ball

Yes - a sensor enabled ball. It feels
exactly like the ball you've always used
and we already offer balls by Spalding,
Wilson and Under Armour,
with balls by Adidas, Molten and
Baden on the way.

Circle Circle Circle

player sensors

A tiny sensor is worn by each player.
It's smaller (and lighter) than an
empty box of Tic Tac's:
1.60 x 1.15 x 0.57 inches, to be exact.

Circle Circle


These sensors are installed in the
rafters of your facility. The anchors
simultaneously track the location of
the ball (or multiple balls on multiple
courts) and the sensors worn by each
player. ShotTracker knows where
every player and every ball is at
every moment.

Instant Statistics

instant statistics

All of that data gets fed through
the system and displayed on your
ShotTracker app - everything
from box scores and zone charts
to contested vs. uncontested
shots, all in real-time.